This spacious home is now available for rent. Offering a great floor plan with generous floor space and family accommodation.
This spacious home is now available for rent. Offering a great floor plan with generous floor space and family accommodation.
Located approx. 2 Km from Williams Landing Rail Station and Shopping Centre.
Comprising 4 bedrooms, master with en-suite and walk in robe, study, theatre room, kitchen/meals/family area and formal lounge with an overview of the low maintenance garden.
The kitchen is fitted with stainless steel gas range, range hood and dishwasher.
This property also has a double lock-up garage with remote and also includes a security system.
Available: Friday September 4, 2015
Property Summary:
Contact: Domenic Cichello - 0412 378 527 Mob. or (03) 8353 9177 Bh.
Email: info@brimbankrealestate.com.au